Yoga e o mundo espiritual

“To a Hindu, YOGA is the outward physical expression of a deep spiritual belief. You cannot separate one from the other.”

To a Hindu, YOGA is the outward physical expression of a deep spiritual belief. You cannot separate one from the other.

— Dr. George Alexander

He is talking about Kundalini which is a powerful force, that has to be handled carefully, in the bible the body is described as a temple to god. Do you understand the significance of this? You are created in gods image, meaning your body is hypercomplex. You dont have “a brain” you have 500 very advanced organs working together inside of the skull, and even modern neuroscientists become religious when they study the prefrontal cortext and many regions of the brain. He is talking about “the third eye” and “seeing god” and all these things. Have they not read the bible`? Read Mathew 6:22….. “Your eye is like a lamp that provides light for your body. When your eye is healthy, your whole body is filled with light. I love Christ, I would die for his service, but this is ignorance and bigotry. That said, certain systems of Yoga (there are thousands, as there is not one christianity, there are many thousands of versions). Here in Europe we had a lot of slavery between Christians, catholics taking protestatns as slaves (they were pagans and satanic since they had the wrong view of the bible, according to the catholic church, and in revenge protestants took catholics as slaves in religious wars because the catholic churhc was corrupt according to them, and was becoming more a symbol of “satan” than of “christ”. Please study, and do more study, and then some more. Peace upon you all.Mostrar menos

ioga – union – espiritual goal – broman ? força do universo e força/substancia do universo

ioga – união do espirito/self é ultimament broaman / universe –

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